Enrolling as a nondegree student

Whether you want to enhance career skills, learn something new, or need to complete prerequisites for a graduate program, you can register as a nondegree-seeking student (also known as a visiting student).

  • Students dismissed from, or on probation at, IU or another college or university are generally not admitted to the nondegree program.

  • You must have a high school diploma or GED to be eligible for the non-degree program. If you are a high school student who would like to enroll in classes at IUB, you may be interested in the OPEN program.
  • In the nondegree program, you will receive a grade and credit for each class you take. If you wish to ONLY audit a class, or take classes without receiving a grade or credit, please refer to Student Central on Union.
  • Limits on nondegree credit hours: If you do not already hold a baccalaureate degree, you are limited to a total of 18 credit hours throughout your career as nondegree student. There is no limit to the number of courses you can take if you have already received a baccalaureate degree. If you take 18 credit hours before holding an undergraduate degree, but go on to earn a degree, you can return after your degree as a non-degree student with no limit on your credit hours.

Visiting undergraduate students from other IU campuses

Are you currently enrolled at an IU regional campus in an undergraduate program, and want to take classes at Bloomington for a semester or two before returning to your home campus?

Apply to IU Bloomington
(Temporary intercampus transfer)

New IU Bloomington undergraduate non-degree students

If you are not currently enrolled as an undergraduate at an IU regional campus, and you wish to take classes at IU Bloomington without working toward an IU degree, apply as a non-degree student:

Apply to IU Bloomington
(Non-degree student)

Enrollment for returning nondegree students

Students who have previously enrolled at IU Bloomington through our undergraduate nondegree program may submit an OVPUE returning student form. If your previous IU Bloomington enrollment was through a different program, such as work toward a degree, please apply using the option above for new nondegree applicants.

Return to IU Bloomington

IMPORTANT additional information for nondegree students:

  • Selecting a nondegree program in the above application does not constitute application for admission to any other degree or certificate program offered by IU. If you plan to apply for a degree program at a later date, or plan to transfer credits to another campus or school, confirm in advance with the specific department or school that your courses will transfer and count as intended. If you intend to apply for admission to a degree-seeking program, you may do so by selecting the appropriate program within your application. For any questions about applying to other programs, contact the IU Admissions Office.
  • Nondegree students are not eligible for most types of financial aid. You can find current tuition/fee rates on the Student Central site. Please contact Student Central with related questions.
  • If you have advising questions, please contact AMES advising at ames@iu.edu.
  • This nondegree program is only for enrollment in undergraduate courses. If you are interested in enrolling in graduate-level courses (numbered 500 and above), please contact the University Graduate School.
  • It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with IU policies, procedures, and deadlines, published in the Enrollment and Student Academic Information Bulletin. It is also your responsibility to know of any school- or course-specific policies or restrictions if you intend to apply to a degree program in the future.

Direct all other questions about nondegree enrollment in undergraduate courses to the OVPUE Records office at vpuerec@iu.edu, by phone at (812) 855-7797, or by dropping by our office in the Wells Library (9:00am – 4:00pm).